Monday 11 February 2019

Why a blog?

I wanted to document the progress of my simulator and looked at a number of options for doing so :-
  • A website
  • A dedicated Facebook page
  • A blog
My first thought was to add a simulator section to my existing website, but editing and maintaining web pages can be quite time consuming, and I wanted something with less overhead.

I also considered creating a dedicated Facebook page, much like Nathan Mizzi has done for his excellent Melbourne 737 Project. However, I really dislike Facebook; it is fine for current or very recent posts, but for or older posts, it is a real pain to use. The way that it hides more than the most recent of comments in a thread and the time that it takes to scroll back history just makes me want to avoid it.

That left me with the option of using a blog. I looked at a couple of blogging options, including Wordpress (.org, rather than .com) and Blogger. Blogger seemed like a simpler way to start, particularly as it doesn't need a separate hosting package.

Note : Blogger is a Google offering. I am not sure how comfortable I am in leaving what is likely to be a lot of content in the hands of Google and open to the potential for them closing the service when it no longer interests them (cf. Google+). I may well migrate the blog to another platform if it proves to be of any interest to others.


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